Last modified January 5, 2004.

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Elizabeth Ann Davis

OBJECTIVE          To utilize my computer software, clerical, organizational
                   and public relations skills for the advancement of myself
                   and the company I represent.

09/87 - 05/92      Louisiana State University.  Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
                   M.M. in Music (Composition), May, 1992.

09/83 - 05/87      University of Evansville.  Evansville, Indiana.
                   B.M. in Music (Cello Performance), May, 1987.

09/79 - 05/83      Jeffersonville High School.  Jeffersonville, Indiana.
                   Diploma, May, 1983.

BACKGROUND         I have been performing professionally since 1983 as a cellist.
                   Ensembles I have performed with are listed below and include 
                   seventeen years with two major metropolitan orchestras.  Also,
                   I have orchestrated and written some original compositions and
                   arrangements for benefit concerts and youth groups.

                   I have many years' experience in clerical settings, and can type
                   90+ words per minute.


06/12/00-present   San Jose, California.
                   Freelance Cellist.
                   Since leaving the Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestra, I have
                   performed with many ensembles, including the Acadiana Symphony
                   (Lafayette, Louisiana), Austin Civic Orchestra (Austin, Texas),
                   Austin Symphony (Austin, Texas), Louisiana Sinfonietta (Baton 
                   Rouge, Louisiana), Natchez Opera (Natchez, Mississippi),
                   Southeastern Louisiana University Opera (Hammond, Louisiana),
                   local small ensembles and studio recordings.  My duties include
                   preparing and performing music for concerts.

08/19/02-06/06/03  Xavier Academy, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
                   Homeschool Teacher.
                   My duties include preparing and presenting lessons for my
                   daughter, currently a kindergarden student.

04/15/02-04/26/02  St. Louis School, Austin, Texas.
                   Early AM Coordinator.
                   My duties included opening school buildings for daily
                   activities, supervising children grades K-4 before school,
                   and regulating automobile traffic.

09/20/87-04/28/00  Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestra, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
                   Section Cellist.
                   My duties include preparing and performing music for
                   Symphony concerts.

08/01/99-03/31/00  Our Lady of Mercy Moms and Tots, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
                   Newsletter Co-Coordinator.
                   My duties include gathering relevant information, choosing
                   graphics, designing page layout, typing and editing, and
                   assembling monthly mail-outs.

08/01/98-08/01/99  East Baton Rouge Parent Child Association, Baton Rouge,
                   Newsletter Co-Editor.
                   My duties include gathering relevant information, choosing
                   graphics, designing page layout, typing and editing, and
                   assembling monthly mail-outs.

01/03/94-05/30/97  Louisiana Department of Education, Bureau of Secondary
                   Vocational Education, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
                   Secretary II.
                   My duties include assisting the Program Managers of
                   Agriscience and Business Education, typing and editing,
                   merging data files, managing databases, assembling large
                   mail-outs, coordinating annual state conferences, and
                   answering a multi-line telephone system.

08/10/92-04/28/95  The Restaurant at the End of the Universe BBS!!, Baton
                   Rouge, Louisiana.
                   Systems Operator.
                   My duties included monitoring electronic Bulletin Board
                   System user activity, assisting in upgrading to a second
                   incoming telephone line, editing BBS message screens and
                   verifying new user accounts.

09/09/92-12/31/93  Louisiana Systemic Initiatives Program (LaSIP), Baton
                   Rouge, Louisiana.
                   Secretary I.
                   My duties included typing and editing for LaSIP staff,
                   merging data files, managing databases, taking and
                   transcribing minutes of LaSIP Council and panel meetings,
                   assembling large mail-outs, organizing and cataloging LaSIP
                   library holdings, assisting with MSEA and LaSIP grant
                   applications, collating data on past LaSIP project
                   participants and answering a multi-line telephone system.

09/23/88-12/20/91  Lucile J. Blum Lending Library, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
                   Orchestral Lending Librarian.
                   My duties included lending orchestral music to patrons,
                   answering mail, collecting and cataloging music, checking
                   parts and inventory, preparing listing of library holdings
                   for publication, purchasing replacement parts, preparing
                   quarterly rental reports, answering telephone inquiries and
                   preparing database listing of library holdings.

09/23/88-12/20/91  Louisiana State University Symphony Orchestra, Baton Rouge,
                   Orchestra Librarian.
                   I was responsible for preparing orchestra parts, reserving
                   and renting music for upcoming events and collecting and
                   returning parts after events.

06/01/90-08/30/90  Louisiana State University, Middleton Library, Baton Rouge,
                   Data Entry Student Worker.
                   My duties included inputting data, maintaining a database
                   of library holdings and transferring records between two
                   in-house mainframe programs.  I also assisted in testing
                   new library software for card catalog and records search
                   and retrieval.

08/08/89-05/16/90  Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestra, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
                   Orchestra Librarian.
                   I was responsible for preparing orchestra parts, reserving
                   and renting music for upcoming events, purchasing
                   replacement parts, preparing rental budget for upcoming
                   season, organizing music holdings and collecting and
                   returning parts after events.

09/10/89-12/20/89  Louisiana Youth Orchestra, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
                   Orchestra Librarian.
                   I was responsible for preparing orchestra parts, reserving
                   and renting music for upcoming events and collecting and
                   returning parts after events.

09/29/85-05/12/87  University of Evansville Orchestra, Evansville, Indiana.
                   Orchestra Manager/Librarian.
                   I was expected to prepare rehearsal room for use, reserve
                   rooms and materials for extracurricular functions, prepare
                   music for students, reserve and rent music from outside
                   agencies, organize and catalog music holdings and collect
                   and return parts after events.

09/30/83-05/12/87  Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra, Evansville, Indiana.
                   Section Cellist.
                   My duties included preparing and performing music for the
                   Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra concerts.

09/25/85-03/16/86  Bower-Surheinrich Library, University of Evansville,
                   Evansville, Indiana.
                   Periodicals Student Worker.
                   My duties included checking in new journals, assisting
                   patrons with microfiche and microfilm readers and copiers,
                   binding together old journals, checking outside library
                   sources for replacement materials, and assisting in
                   relocation of materials from Clifford Memorial Library and
                   storage facilities.

06/06/85-09/25/85  Clifford Memorial Library, Evansville, Indiana.
                   Circulations Student Worker.
                   My duties included checking out materials to patrons and
                   tracking overdue items.

REFERENCES         Available upon request.




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Copyright © 2004-1996 Elizabeth Skola Davis.
Copyright © 2004-1996 BEAMRIDER! Telecommunications, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

This page have been accessed times since November 12th, 1998.
